
This is my personal web site.
Feel free to get in touch and check my blog.

There are some things I would like to show you here. Some things I have done. Some other that I like. And what I've been working at. Also above you will see a link to my blog to which contains lessons on programming languages that work on the jvm on various subjects, using communicative approach as a teaching method. Thank you for stopping by.

Things I Can Do

Below I have separated into topics some things I believe to be good at. Of course there is always room for improvement.

  • Code Language Fluent.
  • Pretty good with database.
  • Read books and teach da code!
  • Use coffee super powers.
  • I like to think I'm super fast.
  • Super good working in groups.

A Few Accomplishments

Describing a few things I believe to be note worthy about some of my skills as a professional and human being. After all; things we have accomplished is, but a small part of our unique universes (Poetic lol.).

Discovery of Amazonic Super Powers.

I used to work with archaeology. It was during a campaign in the Amazon jungle, trying to fix a problem with the GIS database I found my passion. CS.

My Garden My World!

There was a period I had a bit of a hard time. So I started growing my own food in the backyard. A humble and awesome experience. Still do it to this day.

Looking for the future.

During these years I have been researching on IOT, on the mobile phone. My plans is to turn the garage into a lab.

Contact Me

I'd love to hear from you. If you have a question regarding making efficient coding teams trough pedagogy, or just anything else I'll be glad to help. You can also check my resume if you wish. Have a great day.